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Patriot’s Run Half + 10K/5K
First things first, MAY WE NEVER FORGET. This is most definitely a Patriot’s Day event – a morning of contemplation and commemoration. But also one of celebration…celebration of the indomitable American spirit and the knowledge that we live in the greatest country on this earth.
The Patriot’s Run & Paddle is another event unique to the SoWal area! Started in 2020, it was actually the first area event permitted during the COVID era. Many improvements have been made since that first race. Beginning with the 2022 Patriot’s Run & Paddle, there will be three distinct events---with four distinct awards categories---offered on race morning.
1. 5K: The 5K course consists of a fantastic out-and-back route run completely on a paved surface. This course should be fast for those seeking a 5K PR, but most definitely stroller-friendly for those wanting to enjoy the views. That said, this course is very walker-friendly!
2. 10K: The 10K course has it all: pavement, beach (and obviously beach views!), majestic pines, and dune lakes. You can expect ~2 miles on paved roads, ~1.25 miles on sand, and ~3 miles on trails. Just a fantastic course.
3. Half Marathon: The 10K has it all, so the Half Marathon hasit all x2! Yes, the Half Marathon courseis basically two maps of the 10K course with a little extra on the beach. You’re welcome :)So several options to choose from...rest assured, whichever you go with, it’s all but guaranteed to be memorable!
There will be an awards ceremony beginning at ~9:00a, where the men’s and women’s winners + runner ups for all three courses will receive their awards. Age-group awards will also be
given. All registered runners who cross the finish line of their respective race will also receive a finisher's medal.Discounts. ACTIVE-DUTY military, police, sheriff's deputies, fire, and paramedics, please use the HERO1 promo code to receive 25% off your registration. RETIRED military, police, sheriff's deputies, fire, and paramedics, please use the HERO promo code to receive 15% off your registration. All of the local-area middle school + high track and cross-country team runners can get 10% off by using the SCHOOL promo code. Area running clubs should have their own code (provided to them by us) for 10% off. If you've forgotten what it is, please hit us up. Also, if you want to run but the registration fee will truly set you back financially, please know that a few registrations have been set aside for such situations. Please contact us at RunRotorhead30a@gmail.com and we'll get you taken care of.
A portion of the proceeds from The Patriot’s Run benefitsthe Fisher House of the Emerald Coast and Friends of Topsail Hill Preserve State Park. For more information on the Fisher House of the Emerald Coast, check out their website at https://fisherhouseemeraldcoast.org.
30A Halloween Nighttime Trail Run
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